Whirling Witchcraft

Whirling Witchcraft

🧹✨Whirling Witchcraft✨🧹
Designer⚙️: Erik Andersson Sundén
Artist🎨: @weberson83
@alderaceg ] 2-5 players

Spooky season is the beginning of my favorite time of year: Autumn. The air is filled with holidays to come, decorations start popping up, but most importantly the games that wait on the shelf for the perfect vibe all year hit the table. This year however a new game (to us) has brought us some some fresh spookiness!

Whirling Witchcraft is a game of overwhelming your witch friend's (or colleagues?) workbench with too many ingredients in order to make them fail so you can make the best potions! It's quick, snappy, and quite a lot of fun.

You'll be drafting new potion cards every turn to be able to put out the multiple ingredients (toads and such) needed to make your potions. Once these are made you toss them in your cauldron and pass them to your neighbor.

If your neighbor cannot fit these ingredients into their work area, then they are sent back to you as points! First to 5 wins!

Watching what your neighbor is crafting is pretty important to what you in turn need to be doing. They send you toads? Try to get a potion that uses toads! Focusing only on you won't very much help you win the game.

With variable player powers you can also spice things up even more. Granting abilities and strong potions as well as variable set ups of your workbench. There is plenty to enjoy here!

Our favorite player count is two because we love the back and forth nature of it, but other player counts are just as good. Most things are done simultaneously (but not timed, so no worries) and the game moves speedily at 20 minutes sometime. All in all, this potion brewer is a classic we'll be bringing to the table year after year. ✨🧹

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