Cangaceiros 🌵
Designer⚙️: Roberto Pestrin
Artist🎨: Emiliano Mammucari
[ ] 2-5 players
You are being hunted, but this is your territory. Is it possible for you to survive out here in the Sertão or will the Volantes aggressive onslaught be your demise?
This was a game that I passed by many times at the game store. The cover was so striking. The premise wasn't one set in the wild West, but rather late 1800's Brazil. One day, however, the pull was strong enough for me to bite the bullet and grab a copy.
Cangaceiros is in a unique spot. I don't really have a game quite like it. You see there is resource management, but it is intertwined with your player board and the main board itself. Wherever you have various members of your gang controlling you also have access to those resources. Yet, you are constantly having to shift where they are. The Volantes (the state police) are swarming the board from every side, shooting at you, the Chief leader, but also arresting your men and women who make up your gang! Making gathering resources tough. Essentially nowhere is safe. It gave me vibes of Architects of the West Kingdom.
You are trying to gain the most fame and go out in a blaze of glory by completing a life goal and retiring. Then a new Chief is assigned to your gang.
This is an aggressive game. You can't sit around in one spot. This of course won't be for everyone, but this strange euro-game is SO THEMATIC. Even when I lose I love it. Based on real historical figures, I even learned quite a bit about this period. The rules at times needed to be investigated a bit, but by game 3 we had it all down and it runs quite smooth and is such a blast. If you like interesting choices when it comes to resource management this may be a nice breath of fresh air for you, just as it was for me.