Battle Sheep 💥🐑
Designer⚙️:Francesco Rotta
Artist🎨:Andrea Femerstrand
[ @blueorangegames ] 2-4 players
Control the greenest pastures and trap the other sheep from gaining ground! Battle Sheep!
To start the game each player will help create the pasture you will be fighting over. Once this is done, choose an edge of the board to start. Your turns are simple: Split your stack of sheep, leaving behind at least one on the space you're moving from. Once you decide how many sheep are going with, you must move in a straight line until you hit an edge or another sheep.
Each stack only counts as one controlled space. So, if you're clever you can even trap while stacks of your opponents sheep!
At the end of the game, whichever color sheep controls the most spaces is the winner!
This is one game that has been in my collection the longest and will never leave. It takes 30 seconds to explain, is thinky enough for some great plays, but simple enough for anyone to pick up! It can be mean at times, but the games are so fast you just do another round. I feel everyone should have a game that can be brought to the table for a couple minutes of quick fun. Fast set-up, easy teach, loads of fun.